David Belson - Visualizations

Enabling users to tell and share their own data-driven stories through intuitive data visualizations increases the reach and value of that data to a broader audience. Working with cross-functional teams, I defined and designed the visualizations shown below. In some cases, I used the output in my written work.

Some of these visualizations are no longer active, but links are provided to those that are still available.

Oracle Internet Intelligence Map Screenshot

Oracle Internet Intelligence Map

A tool designed to highlight the occurrence of Internet disruptions around the world at country and network levels. Updated in near real-time.

State of the Internet Connection Speed Trends Graph

Connection Speed Trends

A tool that enabled users to create and share custom choropleth maps and trending graphs based on Akamai State of the Internet connection speed data. Was updated quarterly alongside each new report.

State of the Internet iOS App Screenshot

State of the Internet iOS App

A mobile app that enabled users to create and share trending graphs based on Akamai State of the Internet connection speed data, as well as read State of the Internet reports on their mobile devices. Was updated quarterly alongside each new report.

IPv6 Adoption Graph

IPv6 Adoption: Country & ASN

A tool that provides insight into IPv6 adoption levels over time at a country and network provider (ASN) level, based on traffic to Akamai's global platform. Updated daily.

Akamai.IO Graph

Akamai Internet Observatory

A tool that provided insight into mobile and desktop OS and browser adoption trends, based on Akamai Real User Monitoring (RUM) data. Was updated daily.

Akamai in 60 Seconds Screenshot

Akamai in 60 Seconds

A visualization intended to help make the massive amount of data and number of transactions processed by the Akamai platform more accessible to a wider audience. Was updated every five minutes.

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